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New Client Information & FAQ's:


New Student Registration Form:

Please fill out this Enrollment Form and bring with you to your first class.


You’ll also need to sign our waiver form (1 per student) to attend any of our classes or events.

Click here to download our Waiver

What To Wear:

• Students are asked to practice in leggings and shirts that won't rise when inverted; sleeves that cover under arms are highly recommended for your comfort. Fabric with some natural fiber is also advised, as slick fabric is slippery against the silks.

• Be prepared to practice barefoot.  No shoes allowed on the Silks.

• No self-tanner, which has been applied within 24 hours of class.

• NO METAL allowed (this means jewelry, snaps, zippers, etc.) while on the silks.

• Water is allowed in the silks area if the container has a closed top.


Class Registration Policies:

Pre-registration is required as class sizes are limited and fill quickly. Clients must pre-pay for class online in order to reserve a space.
We encourage clients to arrive at least 15 minutes prior to class.

Pre-registered clients must check in at least 10 minutes before class begins.  In the event of sold out classes, late check-ins will result in pre-reservation spots being given to wait listed clients.


Cancellations / Refunds:

Unless otherwise specified, a full refund (or credit to your account) for cancellations made 24 hours or more before the start of a pre-registered class, workshop, or event. No refunds or credits will be given for cancellations made within 24 hours of the start of a pre-registered class, workshop or event.


General Class Information:

Our student form is available online and may be printed out and brought to your first class.  
If you do not complete the form prior to class, please drop in a few minutes early to get acquainted and complete the form.


• PLEASE BE ON TIME!  All classes begin and end promptly.  Arrive a few minutes early to unwind before class.


• Be prepared to practice barefoot with stretchy comfortable clothes for all classes.

• You should also bring water and a towel to class.

• Please bring your own yoga mat.

• Do not come to class if you are sick or contagious - you share props, floor and air with other students. Please be considerate.

• For your comfort, please do not eat a large meal 2 hours prior to a class.

• We do suggest that you eat a small meal/snack prior to class.

• Please do not wear heavy cologne, perfumes, essential oils, or any jewelry to class.

• Feel free to bring water to class if the container has a closed top.

• If you have a health condition or any other serious ailment, please let your instructor know BEFORE class begins.

Remember to breathe and be kind.  No egos permitted.  Enjoy this time you are devoting to your health.


Disclaimer and Waiver:

Any strenuous physical exercise can potentially be a dangerous activity; (although, not exercising can also be hazardous to your health!)  We must advise that there are inherent risks in any physical activity, and intense fitness training is no exception.
Verti-Fit wants its students to exercise and train safely within the boundaries of their own capabilities.

Involvement in strenuous sports and related activities carries a significant risk of damage to property, personal injury or death. Practice mindfully and participate at your own risk! recommends the use of professional instruction before entering into any sport or physical activity. You should become knowledgeable about the risks involved and assume personal responsibility for your actions. Opinions concerning the technical difficulties, fitness requirements, safety, and ratings, are subjective and may differ from yours or others opinion, therefore be warned that you must exercise your own judgment as to the difficulty and your ability to safely protect yourself from the inherent risks and dangers. Do not use the information provided on this site unless you are a skilled and experienced sports person who understands and accepts the risks of participating in these exercise activities.

All information provided on this website is the property of VertiFit and may not be used, duplicated, copied, or revised without the express written consent of VertiFit.

Please Be Advised:

Although our Aerial practice is quite safe there are some contraindications you should be aware of:


CONTRAINDICATIONS:  Pregnancy, glaucoma, recent surgery (esp. shoulder, eyes, back, hips, hands or wrist), heart disease, very high or low blood pressure, easy onset vertigo, osteoporosis / bone weakness, recent head injury, cerebral sclerosis, propensity for fainting, carpal tunnel syndrome, severe arthritis, sinusitis or head cold, hiatal hernia, disc herniation or acute discogenic disease, recent stroke, artificial hips, radiculitis (inflammation of nerve root in spine), severe muscle spasms, botox (within 6 hours.)


© 2014 by VertiFit. Created by B. Michaels with

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